This agreement is made on _____________________ and effective from _____________________
SOUNDS URBANO Residing at: www.soundsurbano.com
Residing at:
Passport number:
Telephone number:
This Agreement is issued solely for membership and subject to all terms and conditions set forth herein.
The membership is one time payment to become a lifetime member $110.00) and includes:
Use one of the raw basic beats from our instrumental collection. Beats
Be pleased by our professional affordable production services. Contact us
Summit your song for free to our Catalog and be promoted. Catalog
Be sponsored by an Adopter. How it works
Purchase our franchise at the best rate. Email us
Your signature certifies that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Signature: ______________________________
Representative: Greco Mora Gonzalez Rodiles
Signature: ______________________________
Download our agreement, after you printed, signed and scanned, send it to our email: soundsurbano@gmail.com Then, you can proceed to purchase the membership.
When you become an official member, then you can ask more information about our best discounts and deals.
All products exclude 10% of exchange rates.
Purchase membership
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